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Successful Business Tips

The Alternative Board

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Everything You Need to Know About Quiet Quitting
Sep. 15, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Quiet quitting. It’s the latest business buzz, and a sizzling hot topic on social media and throughout employment and HR sectors....
3 Basic Cybersecurity Musts for Your Small Business
Aug. 30, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Here’s a startling statistic that just might shock you. In the last 12 months, 42% of small businesses found themselves victims...
LinkedIn Profile Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Aug. 24, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Every business owner and professional on the planet is at least familiar with the social media behemoth LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the...
4 Key Elements to Building Your Brand
Jul. 29, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Branding is the process of defining what your business stands for, crafting the positive impression you want associated with your...
What Is Your Brand Personality?
Jul. 22, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Whether you recognize it or not, your business has a brand personality. The big question is, is it the one that you want? Brand...
5 Steps to Reinvigorating Your Business
Jun. 30, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Now just might be the perfect time to breathe new life into your business. Many small businesses are still struggling financially...
Motivation Operandi: 4 Ways to Inspire Your Team
Jun. 27, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Business owners are in a bit of a pickle these days. The supply chain is still a mess, historic inflation is increasing the cost...
Quick and Easy Way to Maintain an Active LinkedIn Presence
May. 27, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
LinkedIn is a mainstay social media platform for business owners and professionals. No news flash there. But while most of us...
Clamoring for Talent: 3 Ways To Improve Employee Retention
Apr. 29, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
It is still a tough labor market out there. The Great Resignation and the dearth of eager job candidates are keeping business...
Creative Solutions that Build a Culture of Innovation
Apr. 26, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
These days, innovation counts as a key differentiator among competing businesses. What are the next great ideas and who will come...
The Northern Star for HR
Apr. 5, 2022 | Posted by The Alternative Board
The Alternative Board is a thriving community of TAB members, boards, coaches, and facilitators located in 22 countries...

Most people don't think that they have enough time to understand and learn about how to create or start a successful small business using things like social media such as Facebook and Twitter, email, running website optimizations, making great personal and company tasks for the day and the year, using best practices, and more. With our easy to understand online blog posts about a wide range of topics such as money security, the free market, growing customers, starting the process of building a better product, and access to the tips and tricks that successful entrepreneurs that work with us share, you'll easily be able to follow the main point being made and move on to the next article with ease. It is our hope that after reading some of our articles that you will think to yourself, "I've got to get going on starting my business before my opportunities pass me by!" There is no particular order in which the articles need to be read, so pick a topic that interests you and start learning!