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The Alternative Board Blog

Back to Reality: Why Social Media Isn't Plug-and-Play

Mar. 14, 2013 | Posted by The Alternative Board

And Why My Company Has the Right Idea


I'm not talking about putting a warm body in a room, which is the barest definition of presence. That type of presence is hardly the aura any rational or self-important being strives for in life. You don't want others to acknowledge your presence simply by noting a slight uptick in room temperature.

Several years ago, I watched my television as Sean Connery walked onto the stage at the Academy Awards ceremony. Before uttering a word, the entire audience began clapping, and then rose to their feet to give him a standing ovation. From my sofa thousands of miles away, I knew exactly why they did it. All that this man's cinematic work encompassed, along with his physicality and sense of suave, had demanded that kind of attention. The man had presence.

Let's apply the same forum to your online interaction. Your social media brand has just walked onto the stage at the Academy Awards where eyes from the room and across the nation and world are watching. Do you want to simply raise the temperature of the room, or do you want a standing ovation? (It's OK if you're envisioning the standing-O right now; I certainly would.)

Back to reality: it's unlikely any of us above-average-or-less brands are going to emanate a Connery-like presence in social media. But why not strive for it? If you are engaging with your social media brand less than daily, at best you'll be like the orchestra annoyingly trying to be heard over an acceptance speech. Alas, this is where so many companies aren't seeing the vast potential a well-cultivated social media spectrum can bring to their brand... and the time and manpower necessary to make it happen.

Want additional insight? Download Harness the Power of Social Media to learn more


I'll go ahead and tout my employer a bit now. Our management recognizes the inescapable truth that a robust presence online needs the time and dedication befitting Sean Connery. And, while I'm hardly of the echelon of a 007 actor, I often find myself wishing for more time daily to listen, respond, and engage via our social media channels. My goal every day is to celebrate that rare moment when we'll get the standing ovation treatment from our fans and followers. Never say never (again)!

What's your favorite Sean Connery movie?

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Written by The Alternative Board

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