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Find out where you can get a Taste of TAB... our global events blast is on!
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Join Us!
Looking forward to seeing you at the
TAB 2024 Global Virtual Conference • January 30 - 31, 2024

The Great Global Exchange!

Join us for a jam-packed 36-hour event with lots sessions to suit your time zone - fill your brain (and your belly) while building your business!

Each TAB territory around the world is taking over a session to present the ‘best of the best’ from their region, to answer your questions and to share great ideas to help you improve your business and change your life!

RSVP here and let us know if you'll be able to join us or not! Don't miss out!


Want to chat to your fellow attendees or having any technical issues on the day?

Join the WhatsApp group by clicking this link or scanning the QR code using the WhatsApp camera.

Conference Schedule

January 30 - 31 (GMT)

Selected Time Zone:
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Microsoft Outlook (ICS)
Look for individual "add to calendar" options during the week of January 24th in the schedule below...

Select your nearest time zone above and the agenda will update automatically.

Click on the 'add to calendar' options below for reminders of the sessions and links for access.
Although the calendar invite is for Outlook you can import these into you Google calendar by following these steps : Import events to Google Calendar - Computer - Google Calendar Help
Stream 1:

Stream 1:
Meeting ID: 928 6202 2699
Passcode: GGE2024
Stream 2:

Stream 2:
Meeting ID: 971 0306 7959
Passcode: GGE2024
Stream 3:

Stream 3:
Meeting ID: 966 3635 7130
Passcode: GGE2024
January 30, 7:30 am (GMT) (30 minutes)
Conference Opener - The Great Global Exchange
Join us to get your conference started off in the best possible way and meet your colleagues, share your expectations and have some fun! Hosted by Rena Crossley.
Tech Support: Liam Prendergast United-Kingdom

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 1
January 30, 8:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
After the AFTERs
Having an AFTERs mindset is essential right? So how about a way to take it to a new level? This interactive session will help you connect better, ask better questions, and prove the value of TAB - in the sales process and afterwards. Leave the workshop knowing how to tailor your questioning in the sales process to make sure the service you offer meets the needs of the prospect. Know how to measure value that your members are getting every month and keep them for longer!

Hosted by TAB Global:
Rena Crossley United-Kingdom
Tech Support: Liam Prendergast  United-Kingdom

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 8:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Alumni Events
Why run events for former members? Hear about the multiple benefits (including member acquisition) of running events for your alumni. Easy-to-implement top tips on how to incorporate this into your 2024 plan.

Hosted by the United Kingdom:
Dave McCartney  United-Kingdom
Ed Reid  United-Kingdom
Mags Fuller  United-Kingdom

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 8:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
January 30, 9:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Achieve improved retentions for StratPro
Learn our thoughts and tips on improving retentions and engaging for longer terms with StratPro. We have implemented a few ideas that have added value to our Members while ensuring increased dues and tenure. The participants can explore and share these thoughts for feedback.

Hosted by India:
Madhaven  Natarajan India
Tech Support: Ajinkya Sankhe India

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 9:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Member Events
How you can organize member events to increase retention and to show them that TAB is more than only the Board with full cost coverage.

Hosted by Germany:
Jaqueline Klappe Netherlands
Marc Perie France
Rita Nunes portugal
Simone Hofer-Lappe  Germany
Tech Support: Bernhard Hofer  Germany

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 9:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Creating Referral Sources
Referrals are the lowest cost method of recruitment - and the warmest way into higher paid members.

Hosted by Ireland:
PJ Timmins  Ireland
Tech Support: Julie Bara Ireland

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 90 minutes
January 30, 12:00 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Meet your fellow Facilitators in this quickfire networking session. Come to chat, come to listen, bring your own food/drinks :) 
Tech Support: Rena Crossley  United-Kingdom

Add to Your Calendar:
January 30, 12:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Member Panel : Changing Worlds 
Where do our members see their businesses in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years and what can TAB do to make sure we're delivering value along the way? 
Tim Gardiner

Tim Gardiner, COO United-Kingdom
Osbourne Purdie
Find me on LinkedIn

Bruno Melo, CEO portugal
Find me on LinkedIn

Will Anglin United-States-of-America
Tension Climbing Inc
Find me on LinkedIn


David Scalley, MD United-Kingdom
AJT Engineering Ltd
Find me on LinkedIn


Facilitated by: Ed Reid United-Kingdom
Tech Support: Rena Crossley  United-Kingdom

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Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
south africa
January 30, 2:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Building Stickiness in coaching and boards
How to ensure we have a variety of activities to continuously add value to members that will make them stay with TAB for longer.  What can you do, should do in coaching conversations as well as during Board meetings to keep members engaged and locked into TAB.

Hosted by South Africa:
David Weideman  South-Africa
Eduan Steynberg  South-Africa
Mark Kaminsky  South-Africa
Paul Malherbe  South-Africa
Tech Support: Liam Prendergast  United-Kingdom

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 2:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Email and telemarketing processes that work
Methodology developed together with external agencies and successfully implemented across multiple regions in Germany. 

Hosted by Germany:
Ralf Heine Germany
Tech Support: Birgit Granzow Germany

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 2:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
January 30, 3:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
How mindset influences your performance
More success and satisfaction for you and your clients! Great tips to help your own mindset which leads to greater performance and more success! 

Hosted by Austria / Germany:
Markus Haberfellner Austria
Tech support: Helmut Lux  Austria

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 3:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Putting ‘yourself’ into your social media
The Social Media Kit is great and gets so many TBOs to most who would post much less infrequently. However, too many people just copy and paste the post without adding something to it. Their social media is uninteresting as a result. This session will focus on how TBOs can personalize their social media in ways to have the greatest impact. 

Hosted by US & Canada:
Shannon Renick  United-States-of-America
Jocelyn Kenmure  United-States-of-America
John Mousseau United-States-of-America
Fernando Herran Mexico
Neal Grossheider United-States-of-America
Tech Support: Dave Scarola United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 3:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Doing more with your members

What other services, besides the "standard board meeting and monthly 1-2-1 sessions", do you offer your members and how do you charge for them, so you simultaneously add more value to your members whilst increasing your income?

Hosted by Spain:
Emmanuel Pardo Spain
Martin Munro United-Kingdom
Oliver Campbell Spain
Tech Support:  Marcus Puigdollers Spain

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 90 minutes
January 30, 6:00 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Meet your fellow Facilitators in this quickfire networking session. Come to chat, come to listen, bring your own food/drinks :) 
Tech Support: Kara Egizi United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 1
January 30, 6:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Delightful Dal
Turn your kitchen into a workshop and join this interactive cook-a-long. Laura will guide us through cooking one of her favourite dishes from start to finish. The ingredients 'shopping' list is below - be sure to get your ingredients before the session. No special equipment is needed. You can also come to just watch. It's a great opportunity to try this activity so you can take it back to use with your members, teams, family & friends.
Click here to see the shopping list

Hosted by:
Head Chef: Laura Drury United-States-of-America
Tech Support: Linda Anderson united-states

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 6:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Helping Your Members Develop Their Leaders
If your member companies are scaling, they will need to either grow the skills of their current leaders or recruit.  This session will help you consider different options you can offer to support your members to develop their management team for the future.  It will look at different revenue streams you can create and increase the depth and value of the relationship you have with your members. Topics include Next Generations Leaders, Level Up for Mid-level managers, Key Executive Boards and Lencioni's Working Genius for building collaboration and higher performing teams.

Hosted by:
Denise O'Neil United-States-of-America
Tech Support: Kara Egizi  united-states

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 6:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 150 minutes
Stream 1
January 30, 10:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Taking Care of Business
The Global Events Blast of 2023 created an opportunity for us to improve many aspects of our business and now we want to take everything we learned and blast off again in 2024. Think of this as a relaunch of your business. If you want to grow your member numbers this year and join this session to find out what you can do. We will be providing you with even more awesome tools to help you identify the best ways to achieve awesome results, share some best practices and help you create a plan to succeed in 2024 and beyond.

Hosted by TAB Global:
Wayne Baird New-Zealand
Tech Support: Alfredo Puche  Australia

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 30, 10:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Co-facilitating high impact StratPro engagements
Co-facilitating high-impact StratPro engagements. In this session, co-facilitators will speak about how they teamed up to co-facilitate several StratPro engagements. Presenter/skillset.

Hosted by US & Canada:
Diane & Mark Knudsen  United-States-of-America
Flavia Guerreiro & Jason Aroesty  United-States-of-America
Tech Support: Hunter Lambert United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 30, 10:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 30 minutes
January 30, 11:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Member Panel : 5 years on 
Members from around the world share their experience of long term membership - what makes members stay longer than the average? Why they stay, how they continue to find value in their boards, with the Facilitator and beyond. How can their experience help you to engage with prospects and deliver value long-term? 

Kay Baldwin (nee Castles) New-Zealand
Find me on LinkedIn

Bernie Kelly

Bernie Kelly New-Zealand
Global Career HQ
Find me on LinkedIn

Profile photo of Monroe &quot;Roey&quot; Diefendorf, Jr. Monroe "Roey" Diefendorf, Jr. United-States-of-America
MTM Advisory Ltd
Find me on LinkedIn
Brad Tholen

Brad Tholen United-States-of-America
Horizon Home Inspectors
Find me on LinkedIn

Panel Facilitator: Wayne Baird New-Zealand
Tech Support: Jeff Scheiffler United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 60 minutes
Stream 1
January 31, 1:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Using referrals to increase your membership income
Identify who you want to work with and who knows them and develop a plan to get in front of them. 

Hosted by Australia:
Mary Stevenson  New-Zealand
Tech Support: Louise Mooney New-Zealand

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 31, 1:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Your Competitive Edge
Who are your competition? Do we need to worry about them? We'll explore your list of competitors and get clear on how TAB is different for our raging fans.

Hosted by Australia:
Andrew Lawrence  New-Zealand
Tech Support: Tim Horbury New-Zealand

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 1:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
new zealand
January 31, 3:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Blueprint on Steroids
Running all BBB sections in one or two sessions when engaging with a new member to go into execution and coaching as soon as possible.

Hosted by New Zealand:
Chris Deere  New-Zealand
Tech Support: Alfredo Puche  New-Zealand

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 31, 3:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Leveraging Sample Boards for better referrals
How to drive predictable fill ratios for Sample Boards. The presenter has actively used "Topic based Sample Boards" and "Workshop led Sample Boards" with positive outcomes in their markets. Participants can discuss feedback and add value to improving our Sample Board experiences.

Hosted by India:
Ramas Krishnan  India
Tech Support: Ajinkya Sankhe India

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 3:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 270 minutes
January 31, 8:30 am (GMT) (30 minutes)
Desk Workout - 20 minutes 
workout 2
Join Rena for a quick desk workout and feel re-energised and refreshed! A great way to have a break while working from home. No equipment required, just a chair. 
Led by : Rena Crossley United-Kingdom
workshop 1

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 1
January 31, 9:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
TAB Talks – events to demonstrate thought leadership
TAB-Talks, a regular (not-only) member event (prospects welcome). The agenda comprises expert talks and networking … and possibly more.

Hosted by Germany:
Marius Brecht  Germany
Markus Hecht  Germany
Tech Support: Birgit Granzow Germany

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 31, 9:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Taking a lead from initial call to close
In this session we will discuss the best practice methods to successfully move from each stage of the acquisition process - identifying prospects, getting a first meeting, moving to the next step - 2nd meeting or sample board and of course to that all important close! 

Hosted by Israel:
Arik Hertz  Israel
Nir Makovosky  Israel
Shmulik Aran  Israel
Tech Support: Elinor Sapanyev Israel

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 9:00 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
January 31, 10:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
You only have to show up - LinkedIn to get the right prospect meetings
How LinkedIn can bring you high value appointments. Many TBO's could get into a lot of waist in time for getting appointments, having appointments with the "wrong" potentials. We have found a method  that brings these elements together with a far more focussed approach through a perfect preparation, lead list management for appointment management.

Hosted by The Netherlands:
Richard van der Aardweg Netherlands
Vincent Vermeulen  Netherlands
Tech Support: Liam Prendergast  United-Kingdom

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Stream 2
czech republic
January 31, 10:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Czech out our awesome sample board meetings!
How to successfully run Sample Board – tips & tricks for preparation, organization, facilitation, follow up. How to give prospects the kind of experience that makes them want more. 

Hosted by Czech Republic:
Šimon Mastný  Czech-Republic
Tech Support: Petr Skabrada' Czech-Republic

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 10:30 am (GMT) (60 minutes)
Social engagement between board and members
What kind of events or ideas, frequency, gifts, goodies, off site on during/after the board. Sporting activities or just social ? Budget ? Members pay or the TBOs pays ?

Hosted by France:
Marc Perie  France
Tech support: Pierre Perrine France

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 120 minutes
Stream 1
January 31, 1:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Bacalhau à Brás (Codfish)
Turn your kitchen into a workshop and join this interactive cook-a-long. Rita will share 'a taste of Portugal' with this simple and delicious dish. Join us to cook together. The ingredients 'shopping' list is below - be sure to get your ingredients before the session. No special equipment is needed. You can also come to just watch. It's a great opportunity to try this activity so you can take it back to use with your members, teams, family & friends.
Click here for the shopping list

Hosted by:
Head Chef: Rita Nunes portugal
Tech Support: Diogo Travassos portugal

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 1
January 31, 1:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
Stream 3
January 31, 1:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
What to do with a ‘bored’ member
Every now and then we, as facilitators are facing the fact that a good member is declining in interest or is bored by TAB and we are not prepared to let him go... What should we do?

Hosted by Romania:
Nicodim Hagau  romania rec
Tech Support: Emma Woodhead United-Kingdom

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Break - 30 minutes
January 31, 3:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
President's Keynote - We are Too Good Not to Grow
Jason Zickerman, President & CEO
We have an amazing community. We have an amazing offering. We have so many successful TBOs – rockstars – who have built a great TAB business. And, what we do really matters. In this talk, Jason will discuss how we can all work together so that we can grow the TAB business collectively…globally…and change more business and improve more lives. 

Tech Support: Dave Scarola United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 60 minutes
January 31, 5:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Facilitator Panel - Great ways to make the most of your TAB Business. 
Whether you're developing a successful TAB business through membership, boards and 1-2-1s, through additional consultancy, tolls and StratPro or by adding more great people into your team - this panel of awesome TAB Facilitators will share their successes and maybe even some failures along the way on how they've made it work at every level - so that you can too!

We'll explore three main business models:
Paul Winterbottom

Paul Winterbottom United-Kingdom
Manchester, Est 2014 
Find me on LinkedIn

Profile photo of Blair Koch Blair Koch United-States-of-America
Colorado, Est 2005 
Find me on LinkedIn

Bob Hothem United-States-of-America
Ohio, Est 2014 
Find me on LinkedIn

Single Owner Businesses
How to make the most of one persons' capacity levels
Building Through Products
How to make the most of the full TAB offering - including StratPro
Building Through People
How to bring more people in to your territory, develop them, keep them and grow as a team

Panel Facilitator: Bernie Moscovitz Canada Spain
Tech Support: Cristina Cobb-Adams United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 1
January 31, 6:00 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Panel Breakout
Single Owner Businesses
A smaller group discussion with the panellist of your choice. Get your questions answered and make a plan to take action. 

Join... Paul Winterbottom United-Kingdom
Stream 2
January 31, 6:00 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Panel Breakouts
Building Through Products
A smaller group discussion with the panellist of your choice. Get your questions answered and make a plan to take action. 

Join... Blair Koch United-States-of-America
Stream 3
January 31, 6:00 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Panel Breakouts
Building Through People
A smaller group discussion with the panellist of your choice. Get your questions answered and make a plan to take action. 

Join...  Bob Hothem  United-States-of-America
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
January 31, 7:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Humanize your social media with help from your members
Engaging other people to show their face on social media is always a challenge. In the world we live in today it’s mandatory that a brand shows real faces, stories and moments. Find out how you can get your members involved and boost both your brands!

Hosted by Portugal:
Rita Nunes  portugal
Bruno Claro - North Brands (member)
Gonçalo Rabiais - BWO Productions (member)
Tech Support: Diogo Travassos portugal

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 31, 7:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Empathizing 3.0
Think, live, feel and talk like a business owner
In a world where people are over-exposed to offers and information, empathizing deeper with Business Owners will help you to understand their (real) pain-points and is an outstanding way of, improving your conversations and Offer (solutions) proposed to their real-life problems.

Hosted by Chile:
Jaime Silva  Chile
Tech Support: Maria Loretto Veillon Chile

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 7:00 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Watch out NASA – TAB’s new & improved launch process
Over the past 12 months we’ve been reviewing our launch process and protocols. We’ll be sharing the latest and greatest updated process including new tools and marketing collateral to help you start or re-fresh your TAB business. Great session for new Facilitators and those looking to build a better business in 2024.

Hosted by TAB Global:
Wayne Baird New-Zealand
Dave Scarola United-States-of-America
Shannon Renick United-States-of-America
Tech Support: To be confirmed  United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Break - 30 minutes
Stream 1
January 31, 8:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Building with CFs – what options are working best
More capability in your own TAB community utilising specialist: 1) StratPro co-facilitators (CF), 2) Accelerator Board co-facilitators (CF) for emerging businesses & start-ups or 3) Coaching & TAB Board co-facilitators (CF).
Contingency plans, business continuity & risk reduction - support for your members by guest CF (Leave relief or when you need it) and community Peer Board network (TBO's, CF's, & Member Service Partners).

Hosted by Australia:
Darren Cron  Australia
Tech Support: Emma Lovett Australia

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 2
January 31, 8:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
Turning Blueprint detractors into champions
Turning Blueprint detractors into champions. In this session a TBO and a member will co-present their story of how the reluctant member became a champion of the BBB and how they are using it successfully in their business.  

Hosted by US & Canada:
Denise O'Neil  United-States-of-America
Aida Keehner - Atruent (member)
Brian Alford - Grady Management, Inc (member)
Tech Support: Joe Schumacher United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Stream 3
January 31, 8:30 pm (GMT) (60 minutes)
No scheduled session in this slot, please join one of the other sessions!
January 31, 9:30 pm (GMT) (30 minutes)
Jason Zickerman, President & CEO TAB International
Closing Remarks & Best Takeaways
    Happy Hour - bring a drink if you'd like !     
Tech Support: Laurie Mortimore United-States-of-America

Add to Your Calendar:
Acquisition (lead gen and sales)
Engagement & Retention